The purpose of the CEL is to provide students from state public schools with a differentiated possibility of learning modern languages as a complementary activity.add to the curriculum.
Created by Decree No. 3.140/2012, incorporated into the organizational structure of the Secretary of State for Education, Culture and Sports – SEE (Department of Innovation) through Decree No. 3674 of April 3, 2012 (which amends the wording of Decree No. September 2007 and was amended by Decree No. 13,014 of April 1, 2021), and regulated by Normative Instruction No. 02, of March 19, 2018 (which provides for the criteria for the implementation and operation of language courses and defines the attributions schools and professionals working within its scope). In 2020, CEL was accredited by the State Board of Education by OPINION CEE/AC No. 93/2019 and by RESOLUTION CEE/AC No. 85/2020.
In 2019, CEL became part of the Language Teaching Division (DIEL), headed by Professor Kellen Cristina Lopes da Luz Duarte, who is part of the Department of Programs and Special Actions and the Teaching Board of SEE. DIEL covers the Language Study Center (CEL) and its Language Study Centers (NELs), and is responsible for monitoring both administrative and pedagogical actions, as well as implementing, developing and disseminating actions aimed at strengthening and contributing to a improved quality of language teaching from the CEL and NELs.
From the beginning of its operation, in 2011 to July 2016, the Language Study Center was under the General Coordination of Professor Nágila Maria Dourado de Carvalho. From August 2016 to 2018 it was under the General Coordination of Professor Claudenice Nunes dos Santos. From 2019 to March 2021, Kellen Cristina Lopes da Luz Duarte was General Coordinator. Currently, CEL is coordinated by Professor Charles Roberto Oliveira dos Santos.
CEL currently has three language study centers located in the cities of Rio Branco and Cruzeiro do Sul, in full operation:
NEL CEBRB, located at Colégio Barão do Rio Branco State School (CEBRB) - 232, Getúlio Vargas Avenue, Downtown, Rio Branco - AC, 69914-220.
NEL EJORB, at José Ribamar Batista State School (EJORB) - 2570, Rio Grande do Sul St., Aeroporto Velho, Rio Branco, Acre.
NEL CZS, at the Reference Center for Innovation in Education Barão do Rio Branco (CRIEBRB), 107, Rêgo Barros St., Downtown, Cruzeiro do Sul.
The implementation of CEL and its NELs compose the improvements based on the argument that Basic Education has, among its functions, a commitment to education for work. Therefore, it becomes essential to incorporate the needs of reality into the school curriculum, so that students have access to that knowledge, as it will be demanded by the job market and, consequently, will promote a better projection of the State in the economic, political, social and economic scenario. cultural.